Guía para instalar servidor SAMP con PHP, Mysql y phpMyAdmin en VPS Linux Centos 7
La guía esta hecha para enseñar a configurar un servidor SAMP y en caso de
Maximum performance, flexibility and first quality support.
Security is our priority, all services include DDoS protection in any of our locations at no additional cost.
The latest generation Intel® processors are responsible for running any high-performance software without any inconvenience.
We stay in TIER3-4 infrastructures to guarantee an impeccable time of activity, all our scheduled maintenance are notified.
From $11.00 USD per year, stable price and without any extra amount!
Each type of hosting is optimized with unique settings for better performance.
Our support department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
Increase the resources of your plan without any complication.
We install your service in a matter of minutes, accelerating all your expectations.
We keep up with strict surveillance throughout our network.
Soy desarrollador web y estuve probando los servicios de Advanced Company, la verdad estoy muy satisfecho con el desempeño del servidor en mi plan actual, los recomiendo por su precio razonable y balanceado, cabe mencionar que recibí asistencia desde el primer momento para contratar, administrar y otros arreglos. Excelente servicio, una empresa de hosting muy recomendada si quieres calidad.
Empresa de gran calidad. Servidores de juegos óptimos, gran estabilidad, respuestas de soportes inmediatas. Una experiencia muy grata, el servicio dado en Advanced Company no tiene comparación.
Van excelente, muy buen servicio, pings bajos, la mejor jugabilidad, muy buenos rates, atención al cliente siempre, precios accesibles para el cliente y con muy buenos beneficios, Advanced Company es el mejor hosting que he adquirido.
Advanced Company es la mejor empresa de host que he contratado, cuenta con un ping excelente para una buena experiencia de juego y un soporte a problemas de inmediato además de las facilidades de pago con las que cuenta. Un excelente host sin dudar.
When making the purchase will carry out a verification of the transaction, if all is correct your service is activated and will send the credentials of access to your email, all this in a few minutes.
We only accept US dollars (USD) in PayPal and Western Union, but it is possible to pay with another currency using a credit card affiliated to PayPal. Use the following converter to calculate the amount of the service in your currency http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter, then select Paypal as payment method on the invoice, confirm the transaction and ready.
If you decide to make an international shipment with physical money, Western Union is your best option.
We have developed a guide with all the steps to make a payment in Western Union, please visit the following link https://clientes.advcom.org/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=6
Paying in Peru is very simple, there are many deposit agents nationwide.
We have developed guides with all the steps to make a payment at interbank and BCP, please visit the following links:
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